Parents / Carers are asked to read this document carefully, and to make their son / daughter aware of the contents.

DCSFA will be holding trials in accordance with current FA guidelines. These necessitate various control measures to help protect participants from COVID-19. Everyone is expected to follow these protocols.

Only players who have been nominated before the deadline date for nominations will be allowed to trial as all necessary documentation will have been sent electronically beforehand, avoiding potential cross-contamination via paper contact.

Consequently, anyone turning up on the day who hasn’t been nominated will not be allowed to trial.

The DCSFA trial organisers will have hand sanitizers, face coverings etc available for use as appropriate; sanitizer wipes to clean footballs and staff will have access to PPE for use when in close proximity to players (e.g., when administering first aid).

1.            If a player or accompanying Parent / Carer has developed any Covid-related symptoms in the 14 days prior to the trial, they should self-isolate, notify the DCSFA and NOT attend the trial.

2.            Irrespective of not displaying any of the ‘classic’ Covid symptoms, players/Parents/Carers should not attend the trial if they are feeling unwell.

3.            If anyone in the player’s household has had any COVID-related symptoms in the 14 days prior to the trial, the player and accompanying Parents / Carers should self-isolate and NOT attend the trial unless they have had a test which has come back negative (the DCSFA must be notified and will require evidence of a negative test).

4.            No-one should attend the trials if they have been informed by NHS Track & Trace that they should self-isolate.

5.            Players and accompanying Parents / Carers should only travel to/from trials in family groups in cars, or if this is not possible by following Government guidelines on ‘Private Cars and Other Vehicles’ & ‘Car Sharing’. We ask that only ONE Parent / Carer accompanies the player to the trial, and that no other family members attend.

6.            Players should arrive at trials in their own clean playing kit, with shin pads and footwear appropriate to the playing surface together with warm/waterproof clothing in the event of inclement weather. Changing rooms will be unavailable for changing purposes; however, there will be designated toilet breaks.

7.            Players and accompanying Parent/Carer should arrive with a suitable face covering. Where possible player should bring their own personal hand sanitizer although hand sanitizer and face coverings will be available for players.

8.            There will be no refreshments available following the trial.

9.            DCSFA Officials will direct players on arrival to an area where they will be briefed re trial procedure/protocols – face coverings, hand sanitising and social distancing being observed.

10.        Players must bring their own drinks and any specific medication e.g., inhalers, in clearly labelled bottles or bag to avoid any sharing. Bottles/bags are to be clearly spaced by pitch. There will be no drinking water available at the venue.

11.        Players will be issued with their own bib for the duration of the trial. No exchanging of bibs permitted. After the trial, DCSFA Officials will ensure that bibs will be washed at minimum of 60C.

12.        Players must not exchange any clothing e.g., with a substitute or another player.

13.        No throw-ins – only goalkeepers wearing gloves allowed to handle the ball. Need to decide if throw ins are to be allowed. If so, this will require more frequent sanitising of the ball.

14.        Footballs will be changed regularly and sanitised.

15.        When not playing, players must observe social distancing away from the game being played - no handling, or playing with footballs or other equipment, leaning against fences, posts or other goals / equipment not in use. Instructions from DCSFA Officials will be given observing social distancing.

16.        Handshakes, high-fives, hugs, goal celebrations etc must be avoided. Time taken for corners and play restarts involving a ‘player wall’ to be kept to a minimum

17.        Everyone attending the trials should observe respiratory etiquette – cover mouth when coughing or sneezing. There will be no shouting of instructions from DCSFA coaches with any instructions given under social distance protocols.

18.        Any player showing Covid-related symptoms during the trial will be immediately withdrawn from the trial.

19.        Parents / Carers attending the trial must remain outside the playing area and remain within the designated spectator area if applicable and keep socially distanced whilst avoiding leaning against fences, posts, etc. 

20.        If anyone attending the trial develops any Covid-related symptoms in the 14 days after the trial, they should self-isolate and notify the DCSFA immediately so that NHS Track & Trace can be informed.

21.        Following the trial, Players and accompanying Parents / Carers should leave the trial site immediately avoiding congregating in car parks and other areas.

22.        Cars must be parked in designated parking bays. All venue specific signage and protocols must be observed.